Monday, September 28, 2009
WT: Letter to Shuutak, Who is: Cycling 100,000km around the world
Shuutak, you are doing an incredible job on your bicycle expedition around the world. Nice meeting you in Asia, I will be riding from the Arctic to Argentina in 2012. Peace, Brian
Follow Shuutak (in Japanese) as he rides through 100 countries or 100,000km around the world. I'm hoping to convince him to make his site, multilingual through the use of the Google Translation Widget, then he can share with a broader audience around the world. It has yet to happen, but I keep encouraging him, and following his updates on Korean-World. He is light-weight cyclist riding a Surly Long Haul Trucker, FFF-Fatties Fit Fine model, custom built with many Japanese high-end components (Shimano, Nitto, etc...) met him while we cycled together in South Korea this spring. Almost anyone can ride a bike, but to cycle around the entire planet requires logistics (financial backing), time, energy, dedication, endurance and a will to live comfortably on the road. It isn't for everyone, but for those dedicated souls who love to ride, it pure joy, a comfortable numb, eternal happiness, bliss, blisters, sore muscles, and life to explore!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
On the road again, and I can't wait to get out again!
The best weather as two fronts collide, the cool air with the warm, the atmosphere is amazing!Cycling Warrior on a mission to ride out the storm into the night in South Korea
Saturday, September 19, 2009
WT: Letter to Kevin Shannon, Adventure Cyclist for Combat Stress
Hey Kev,
I did a follow-up interview with The Korea Times (National English News) for September 2009.
I'm about 7kg lighter now. I've started my Masters & have been studying long and still teaching ESL, so getting the hard bits of cycling in there too, I dropped a lot of weight.
What fuel is recommended for cyclists fueling up [days before the ride]: pasta mixed with raisins, peaches, apples, tuna, tomatoes, etc...[while riding]: throw anything in there that's fresh -amazing raisins, green/red juicy apples, fruits-go nuts on fruit energy, great energy for hard days on the saddle. I experimented with fruit, after meeting my vegetarian friend/cyclist Murray DP in South Korea. Murray is joy to cycle with, a lean/mean machine on the bike, and fueled on vegetarian foods [no meats in this man, except on his bones!].
What did I learn from Murray the Healthy Cycling Guy? I then realized all the bulky fuel snacks (cookies, bars, etc..) was a bunch of garbage holding my legs down like bricks, and not making cycling a pure joy as it should be. So, I switched to fresh fruit & I'm happy to say that this is definitely the fast-track for healthy power-cycling for hours on the saddle.
I'll be bundling up to train through the winter. But shedding the weight by eating right! That's my update from here!
Kevin Shannon is going on a "Zero Emissions Cycling World Odyssey" in support of his chosen charity, Combat Stress, helping traumatized war veterans regain a healthy life after their military duty has ended. You can follow Kevin Shannon's Cycling World Tour by Bicycle here. All the best/safe keeping to Kevin on his quest to bicycle Around the World for Charity.
Kevin Shannon is going on a "Zero Emissions Cycling World Odyssey" in support of his chosen charity, Combat Stress, helping traumatized war veterans regain a healthy life after their military duty has ended. You can follow Kevin Shannon's Cycling World Tour by Bicycle here. All the best/safe keeping to Kevin on his quest to bicycle Around the World for Charity.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Cycling Blitz following assignment in MA
Just finished an assignment, this is the reward, cycling on Daebudo Island in South Korea. Southwest of the capitol city of Seoul, this flatland hosts a home to some rare wildlife in South Korea. Endangered birds flock to this wetland area before the urbanization takes place. The future of this island refuge for wildlife (including me) will soon become endangered by urban sprawl. I will promote cycling in this northwestern coastal area for as long as I can ride free!!!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
WT: Letters to Jonathon Hill, activist cyclist supporting Live Strong - Cancer Foundation Charity
Hey Jon!
[ You can follow Jonny's progress as he rides across America supporting the Live Strong - The Lance Armstrong Foundation - in 202 days!!!]
Great to hear this update (mobile too, cool!). I still haven't established a site, but have been featured in newspapers (Korea Times) and interviewed on KBS World Radio (30 minutes) with a video feed online, a few local newspapers with free distribution in Windsor, ON, Canada. The cycling and new foundation that backs me IDEAS - Intestinal Disease Education and Awareness Society of Canada - is going great. Robert Hill is taking a team up Kilimanjaro now, and finally completing his 7-Summit Series on Everest in the spring (he's a Crohn's disease survivor and founder of this wonderful society).
Reasonably priced bikes: Surly Long Haul Trucker, $1095USD +plus Tubus racks and Ortlieb panniers , check since your in the States, search for a complete package. Other bikes I can suggest to you...searching for a moment... This ESL teacher had a great idea and wonderful website setup, bought the Surly LHT and fully-equipped it, had the website going, then had a falling out with his co-rider and it completely vanished, he sold the bike (I saw it posted on boards in Korea) for little, and I tried to contact him without reply. Unusual situation, anyways, he provides a valuable list here:
I decided on the decked out (racks and complete Shimano XT) 2009 Koga-Miyata World Traveller, from Eric @Commuter Bikes in Santa Barbara, CA. I asked for a scratch n' dent or charity discount and he provided two options, a scratched 2009 KMWT or 2007 KMWT at discount. If you want something beyond the ordinary, this is the machine without an engine. The 2007 models he still has in stock, so compared with the list above in recklesscognition... it's an expensive item, but built for World Bicycle Touring. For the Continental US, I would check the list and choose the best fit. Cheaper panniers and gear are also available through eBay, you'll need rain covers for all of them though, I haven't sourced anything beyond the bike at this point. I am leaving for Alaska in spring 2012, hopefully, more media and some sponsors will be attainable for the additional gear required.
My blogs: Korean-World and Arctic to Argentina 2012 Expedition
Warm Wishes, Brian in S.K.
Friday, September 4, 2009
WT: Letters with Kai Unu - Cycling Activist in Bogota, Colombia
Kai Unu [writes] 2009-09-05
Hola,Un saludo para todas y todos ,quienes compartimos el placer pòr pedalear,esta vez les quiero compartir un blog ,para quienes lo quieran visitar,es del amigo Brian perich,quien se encuentra,pedaleando en estos momentos por Asia,pero emprendera un largo recorrido de 25.000 kilometros ,por America;empesando en la la parte norte de Norte America,pasara a Centro America,y espera culminar,aca en el Sur de America,el blog es,trae informacion de sus recorridos en diferentes partes del planeta. Tambien contarles ,de la opcion en Bogota,de alquiler de bicis y recorridos guiados,en el BiciCafe,ubicado en el Bariio la Candelaria,entonses ,ahy es para pedalear,compartir,leer y comer bien rico ,hay les dejo esta informacion,asi mismo quienes quieran que comentemos lo relacionado con bicis lo pueden hacer en el muro o dirijirse a los contactos cordinadores del grupo, ya saben en los 5 Continentes estamos amantes del pedal,unamonos,y compartamos, Yo les deseo buena energia y felices pedalazos,desconectandome del facebook, pero seguire en este correo;
Kai Unu [writes] 2009-09-05 Google translation:
Hello, A salute to all men and women who share the pleasure of cycling, this time I want to share a blog, for those who want to visit, is friend Brian Perich, who is pedaling through Asia right now, but will undertake a 25,000 kilometers long haul, for the Americas; starting in the northern part of North America, coming to Central America, and hopes to complete, here in South America. The blog is brings information from his travels in different parts of the planet.
Also tell him of the options in Bogota, bike rentals and guided tours in BiciCafe, located in the Candelaria Bariio, entonses, ahy is to pedal, share, read and eat well rich. I must leave this information and we can discuss the same people who want to travel with bikes, can write on the wall or go to the contact group coordinators,
you know in the 5 continents are lovers of the pedal, let us unite, and share,
I wish them good energy and happy Pedalazo, disconnected from facebook, but will continue in this post;
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Charity Mission to Conquer Americas Taking Shape
09-01-2009 Charity Mission to Conquer Americas Taking Shape
By Bryan Kay
Staff Reporter, The Korea Times, National English Newspaper.
One man's mission to conquer the Americas in [2012] in aid of charity is starting to take shape.
Canadian Brian Perich, 36, who lives in Ansan, Gyeonggi Province, is bidding to raise thousands of dollars for the Canadian and American branches of the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation.
The journey awaiting him is mammoth: from a standing start in Anchorage, Alaska, onto the Canadian Arctic and all the way down to Argentina and the southernmost portion of the continent.
And now he has secured an event promoter, interest from possible riding companions and the bike to be used for the expedition.
``I now have IDEAS (the Intestinal Disease Awareness and Education Society) going to organize my campaign and do all the management, so things are going well. [Robert Hill], Mountaineer and Crohn's survivor founded IDEAS and he is leading a team up Kilimanjaro with IBDadventures to raise awareness and charity support for IBD-inflammatory bowel disease research for a cure. Hill started the IBDadventures group and is campaigning as a Crohn's survivor to climb the world's seven highest peaks, including a bid for Mount Kilimanjaro in September" said Perich, who is the man behind Korea expat cycling group Cycling International.
``I have had a couple of people approach me (about the possibility of joining in). One said he is really interested and the second guy rode across Canada to raise money for cancer research.
``The other good thing is I have now got a sponsorship donation in the form of the expedition bike from Commuter Bicycles in Santa Barbara in California."
While donations have yet to start rolling in, Perich said he is delighted with the response there has been to his grand plan, which is dubbed ``One Cycle, One Man (+Riders), One Charity, Global Bike from the Arctic."
He also revealed that he is using the world expedition being undertaken by Danish cyclist Nicolai Bangsgaard and a Canadian coast-to-coast adventure as inspiration for his trek.
``Nicolai Bangsgaard is actually riding the same bike as I am going to be using. He is going around the world until 2010. He isn't doing his for charity, but I have sponsored him by paying for his wheels," continued Perich.
``I have also seen the video of the two riders who, with John C. Scott of IDEAS organizing their events (Perich's campaign manager) ― Vin Heney and Greg Mailloux ― did the coast-to-coast, finishing in September last year, and I've only had about two weeks. They raised $68,000 Canadian and that's before even releasing the video on DVD. Their fund-raising tour is available at"
As well as his passion for cycling, Perich counts as another plank of his motivation a close family member who suffers from Crohn's, an inflammatory disease of the intestines.
``I have a strong drive to do this," he added.
Anyone interested in finding out more about the expedition, donating to the cause or cycling groups in Korea can contact Perich at 010-2657-5126 or e-mail
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