Saturday, October 31, 2009

Radio Interview on TBS -Cycling in Korea, Cycling from the Arctic to Argentina 2012 R

Live radio interview with Shane & Erica on Kickstart 101.3 eFM, Seoul, South Korea
Out cycling with local riders on Daebudo Island, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea 2009.
Good sign: When your planning a 32,000km Cycling Expedition to get Media Attention!
Korean countryside offers enough vistas and the farm roads stretch for many miles too!
Thumbs up, I have good health & great foundation to support (IDEAS Canada, GYGIG USA)

In the spring of 2012, I will begin pedaling from the Canadian Arctic in North America to the southernmost tip of Argentina in South America. Combined with a continental crossing of Canada coast-to-coast, and a journey across a portion of the United States, it will be the longest continuous cycling adventure of my entire life. Perhaps, this is a stage in life to grow will definitely put me in touch with IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) community through a charity mission to help find a cure, since there are only treatments but no cure available for Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis affecting human life on every continent on the globe.

Life is too short, this is my dream to ride for charity & for expedition, I hope to share it with you in 2012. If your interested in joining segments of the 32,000km expedition, or wish to help in fund-raising efforts, web design, or promotions in local areas, please feel free to contact me anytime. Global riders welcome on a cycling marathon that won't end till we travel from tip of North America to the lands end in the South America, an entire expedition of the Americas.

It's called - "ONE, Arctic to Argentina 2012" - Come join the adventure!!!

Contact us for more information:

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Killers on Last FM >> Tribute to cyclists on the move >> Cycling International >> Bicycle Touring

My friend Brian Sullivan is tearing up the eastern coast this summer from Donghae-Uljin, Korea
Upgrade well worth the investment: German-designed Schwalbe Marathon tires.
Taking the Blackcat out for a ride is a load of fun exercise. Keido shorts are A+.
Back on the cycling mission, goodbye Cheng Shin tires!!
After the repair to patch the tube and the inner wall of the tire. Later replaced completely.
It's all Made in China, until it breaks down and you replace it. Made in Japan-expensive!
Dismount the tire, find somewhere to hang the bike. Hit a mysterious metal object.
Vulcanized rubber patch took care of the tire and tube. Upgraded to Schwalbe Marathon tires.

My friend Brian Sullivan out on the Donghae Farms. Beaches are not far to go!
Cycling is better, when your friends come out on tour.
Daebudo Island, South Korea. My weekly relaxation routine.
Cycling is a mission to be shared everywhere in this world. Pick up a bike. Go!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Choosing a touring bicycle for expeditions or multi-day adventures

Riding through torrential rains without the gear, good motivation to get home!
Todd Redding get on the bike to Daebudo Island, Bike: Specialized Stumpjumper
My revolutions for future charity work, start here & won't be stopped till the work is complete!

Choosing which touring bicycle will be right for you
will be a decision that takes in account your regional location, riding styles, distances/duration of the expedition or lighter tour, road conditions, and based on the quality and/or design of the build, which bike is the most reliable in contexts where replacements parts or even post offices are virtually non-existent. Other factors to consider are the terrain you will be variably traveling on: will you be touring exclusively on rocky trails, in 24 hour mountain bike racing or elite touring events such as the multi-day, 2745mi/4418km race known as The Tour Divide?

Other cyclist prefer the Slow Bicycle Movement, taking in all the sights, sounds, and spectacular scenery enroute, without concern for getting somewhere in a hurray.

If you want more information about the entire touring equipment that will support your dream journey, consider some advice from Tim & Cindi Travis, who have been continuously touring since 2002. They offer some reliable and proven information on touring equipment they tested personally, and links to purchase the equipment is listed directly on their website (as a means to generate commissions from their sponsors. What is unique about this traveling couple, is the fact that they only endorse the companies that offer the most reliable cycling kit available to them, tested and tried, many other companies products are not recommended by them.

Generally, another main group of touring cyclist aim for target distances and ride 100km days on a 1-4 years on their individually designed Cycling World Tours. Take a look at the current adventures of Nicholi Bangsgaard or another World Cycle Traveller, turned motivational speaker and adventurer Alastair Humphreys for their takes on Adventure Cycling. Another new adventure rider is coming out of English next spring set to complete a Global "Zero-Emissions" Cycling Adventure, so I am pleased to share Kevin Shannon's Expedition...Because it is there, Zero Emissions Odyssey 2011.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Letter to Mike Rosenfield: Short-Notice Charity Cycling Campaigns

Hi Mike,

I'm glad Jenn introduced you. Well, short-notice fund-raising...??? I think you should consider setting up an account with KIVA.ORG - A micro-lending, non-profit organization, then you set out to make a Facebook group and Website about your tour in Japan. I haven't even started the charity fund-raising yet, as I am training for the big ride in 2012 and getting media attention well in advance. Kiva is simple, and you can raise money in Korea with a few poker tournaments or other activities, but on short-notice, it won't be easy. You want the message out there, and you should canvass all your friends and family to make a small donation. Later, when you finish the tour, you can take the funds in the Kiva account, and loan them to various entrepreneurs in developing countries, I think this is your best strategy on short notice! Keep me posted on your cycling and charity campaign, & I wish you an excellent bike journey!!