Monday, March 19, 2012

HIMALAYASX2012 / EXPEDITION OF WESTERN CHINA / NEPAL / INDIA // training schedule results

Present weight: 86kg, 
completed 20km treadmill, 
190 minutes,
 15000 calories burned (hard to believe! it),
 9-11% grade,
 pulse 123 regular BPM,
 cardio training for the HimalayasX2012 ^^
...I was asked by Krishna Bhattarai of Nepal (nice guy!) why the X after the Himalayas?
 I explained that I will have crossed over 6000km of the Himalayas in different directions when I complete the expedition project by bicycle. It's fun and a great goal.
 Sponsors bicycle store providing all the mechanical preparation, repairs and replacements in Gangneung, Gangwon-do, South Korea [Thank you AN DAE GI]

Partnership: ETE, Education Through ExpeditionsUnited Kingdom

Another post you may enjoy: Paradise - Bicycle Touring / Connecting with Community in the Wider World

Pedalgraphically: Bicycles

 Now you know all the bicycle terminology in typography to be pedalgraphically correct.
 New Saddle: SMP / TRK
Handle bars, stem, brakes, forks, pedals 
 1994 KONA EXPLOSIF MTB, Roams South Korea
 Gangneung, South Korea is where I am training for HimalayasX2012
 Freedom in two wheels, crank, chain, wheels, tires, tubes...^^

Saturday, March 17, 2012

WT: Solo, training for expeditions in South Korea // HimalayasX2011-2012

Solo, training for expeditions in South Korea, anyone can join me here, knock and the door will be answered. Amen.

 Reservoir Lake, Gangneung. My favorite winter location for Ice Bicycling.
[vimeo w=608&h=342]
Gangneung, Gangwon-do, South Korea has a series of small lakes created in a reservoir area. For the first time, I set out to cross all sections of these frozen lakes, the temperatures dropped to -10 Celsius and the sun was out, it was an amazing day to adventure cycle!Music: Kasabian (Club Foot) and Contemporary Chinese.Adventure blog + links to explorers:
http://korean-world.blogspot.comI support IDEAS - Intestinal Disease Education & Awareness Society In partnership with ETE - Education Through ExpeditionsPeace from South Korea!
I completed some sub -20 micro adventures this winter too

Related Link Sub-24 Hour Micro Adventures:  South Korea Micro-Adventures 

Training has gone solo these days, lost my one riding partner in Gangneung
On another S24O (Sub 24-hour Overnight) Micro Adventure in the fall of 2011  I came across two mountain cougars, rare but lucky to be seen near Jeongseon, Gangwon-do, South Korea
Success and failure, triumph and tragedy: all circumstantial parts of our life, learning and human exploration.

My Personal Mantra: 

Prepare for future expeditions, 

one day at a time, it's all you can do. 

Never impossible, you're just trying it out.

Never stop overcoming, challenges are always ahead.

I support several foundations -

IDEAS (Intestinal Disease Education & Awareness Society)

In partnership with ETE (Education Through Expeditions)

Handy: Adventure Cycle-Touring Handbook, 2nd Edition: Worldwide Cycling Route & Planning Guide 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

RTW: Round The World // Bicycle Expeditions - SolidFilm n°18 : Mexique by Solidream

Solidream is a French Cycling Expedition RTW Round The World with some amazing videos to share.

Solidream : 2010 - 2011 : Aventure et Challenges [Latest Expedition Highlights]

[Author's notes follow] We are cycling around the world. This video sums up the first half of our 3 years adventure cycling around the globe, in 2010 and 2011. We covered extreme climates of the world, thanks to the power of a bike and also to all the people that helped us on the way. You don't need much to achieve your dream of travel, and that's what we want to show in our project and in this video too.

To follow our journey for the next half, keep in touch with us on

 Canon Legria HFS21
 GoPro HD Hero
 Pentax K-5 with a Tamron 18-200mm F3.5-5.6 & Pentax 50mm F1.4

 Music :
Girls in Hawaii - Flavor

WT: Trekking Annapurna Circuit // The Sacred Himalayas // 180

Annapurna Trekking in Nepal, a Dream Destination for outdoors adventure.
Map of the Annapurna Circuit followed by a 2007 Documentary trekking video

[Repost: Trekking Annapurna Circuit // Expeditions with Authors notes] Twenty days on foot over 180 miles of the Nepalese Himalaya across a 17,769 foot pass. PART TWO: Pokhara to Thorung La pass. Setting foot on the Annapurna trail is like stepping back in time. The trappings and distractions of modern society vanish.

WT: Extreme World Challenges - Yak Attack 2010-2012 // MTB Expedition Race // Nepal Himalayas


[Repost Expedition Races:] Highlights from the 2010 Yak Attack mountain bike race around the Annapurna circuit in the Nepal Himalaya. Yak Attack 2012 information is now available here. The multi-stage event involves 400km of offroad racing in 10 stages with 12000 meters of ascent. It's incredible, because it is happening in the sacred Himalayas. Another adventure to consider and destination for bicycle expedition touring as well. 

RTW: Round The World // Expeditions - 490 days

490 days of adventures and challenges around the world...

[Repost RTW Expeditions: author's original notes...] 

We are cycling around the world. This video sums up the first half of our 3 years adventure cycling around the globe, in 2010 and 2011. We covered extreme climates of the world, thanks to the power of a bike and also to all the people that helped us on the way. You don't need much to achieve your dream of travel, and that's what we want to show in our project and in this video too.

To follow our journey for the next half, keep in touch with us on

Canon Legria HFS21
GoPro HD Hero
Pentax K-5 with a Tamron 18-200mm F3.5-5.6 & Pentax 50mm F1.4

Music : Girls in Hawaii - Flavor

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Black Ice: Cycling Lake Baikal // MTB Cycle touring expedition

[Repost expeditions:] Impressions from a cycling expedition on Lake Baikal in winter 2011. The first part shows the snowy northern section form Severobaikalsk to Olchon Island.
[Repost expeditions:] The second part shows the section around beautiful Olchon Island and Baikal West coast.. The cycling expedition finishes at Kultuk, the southern tip of the lake. Black Ice Expedition website link.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Silk Road Tour - Abigail Washburn & The Village // Bicycle Touring Routes

Amazing music along the Silk Roads of China and Mongolia, North American musicians collaborate
If you have dreamed of cycling the Silk Roads, this area of western China is the place to start.
Three parts music and the last part includes photos from HimalayasX2011 expedition. Starting in northeast China by train to cycle across the vast geographical landscapes filled with diverse cultures of western China 
Distances, directions, languages all welcome you to Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China
Expedition bicycle touring, 60 days of adventure.

Stealth camping, attach your tent to the bicycle, Borohoro ranges of Tian Shan Mtns, China

HimalayasX2011/2012 Project is supporting:

in partnership with: ETE, Education Through ExpeditionsUnited Kingdom

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Paradise - Bicycle Touring / Connecting with Community in the Wider World Around You...

When you know that you are different 

because of the passion taken in what you love to do. 


You might just want to connect to that bicycle community, 

and go touring to see different places and meet new faces. 

It only takes a spark of hope to start with. 


Inspiration, planning and a deadline, a dream with soon become a...


The world out there is truly AMAZING! 

if you don't see it right nowyou haven't opened your eyes wide 

enough or tried quite hard enough to live the dreams... 

I share my HOPE to all those who dare to 


to stand up to these CHALLENGES and eat your deepest fears

to live to see your own...


I stepped outside into an amazing world, I didn't second guess myself, I lived to see Paradise.
 More challenging than before, the HimalayasX2012 is coming soon...
 Sichuan children together in their summer
 A lone cow walking round the river
 Meeting other souls that want to help you.
 Help when you needed it most.
 A ride of a lifetime. Away from the world that never changes, a road that always challenges you.
 Together in a new challenge and community because you went out there and tried on your own.
 Cultures, languages and people.
and Hope for tomorrow.
Partnership: ETE, Education Through ExpeditionsUnited Kingdom

Saturday, March 3, 2012

WT: Advice about bicycle touring / Converting MTB (Mountain Bikes) into Touring Bicycles with Panniers!

Stefan Cycle Touring asked some discussions questions about MTB (mountain bike) conversions for bicycle touringI wanted to share them in the Korean-world. Getting started with bicycle touring or expedition touring is actually a difficult laddered  step for most people, eventually you will get there! 

Stefan asks: 
"How to carry everything, what to carry, how do I convert my mountain bike into a touring bicycle?"

Obviously, most people interested in bicycle touring are determined to figure this problem out, the configuration of a touring bicycle is much the same as a regular tour bicycle, with added accessories.

The touring component accessory list (Racks and Panniers)

  • Rear rack carrier is attached to the frame and seat post QR (quick release) try Topeak Supertourist DX Disc (my racks for HimalayasX2011-2012), or Tubus racks in stainless steel for either Disc or Rim brake systems.
  • Front racks (2) or a single piece are attached to the lower fork stanchions on a MTB with front suspension forks without a problem.(aluminum flat racks with U-clamps, attach with PVC zip tie the rest of the rack in contact with the lower forks, used in HimalayasX2011-2012)
  • Panniers are touring bags that are attached to your racks. (Ortlieb Frontroller and Backroller Classic panniers are excellent, waterproof, durable quality, one size fits all racks)
  • Choice on size (volume) and designs vary widely. 
  • Choose the best panniers for your carrying capacity and decide on professional or basics.
— with Gaston Bonaudi and 3 others.

September 24, 2011 

Packing panniers for bicycle expedition touring

    • Stefan Cycle Touring want a friend gave picture on my wall a
      picture of how do you pack saddlebags and that order and what all
      wear them, will mean a lot to me now before the trip ... ;))

    • Photo: Crossing Mongolia 2012 (minimalist packing)

      Brian Perić 
      Hi Stefan, the packing is really a personal choice, but the weight of the contents is important. 

      On the left are the large rear panniers, in them, I have the MSR stove, fuel bottles, titanium pot set from Snowpeak, apricots/raisins usually, oatmeal. I have a plastic container with a sealed lid (Tupperware for food) and all electronic chargers, external hard drives, cables go into it, it should be padded not to crack. That is really important. 

      For expedition touring: I have a tool kit, spare chain, spare tube, patch kit, first aid kit (bandages, antibiotic cream for skin, pills for oral use, wrap bandages, multivitamins mega-pack, gatorade powder-hydration, altitude sickness medicine, spare jackets packed on the top for easy access!

      Front panniers, sun lotion, banana chips, snacks, notebook computer in it's own waterproof case, extra light clothes for padding. I will repack these and arrange it for a better photo opportunity later. I also carried a 26w solar charger blanket and USB power hub for the Himalayas (:

    • Stefan Cycle Touring 
      It is essential to know the order in which to pack, not to put things
      without links will be great after this is the big shit :))
      just after this I will pack your order what I need with good judgment, and
      always carry food and buy for almost the whole trip and getting ready, and not
      always getting ready to do what I used and occupied the place always saves
      money. and so you doing? ;)) Thanks again

      15 hours ago ·  

    • Murray Du Plessis I think few hobbies rival cycle-touring, when it comes to having to be organised. Unorganised, chaotic pannier bags... ooh, not fun!
      12 hours ago ·  

    • Murray Du Plessis You seem to have mastered that art, Brian. of being organised on 2 wheels!

    • Brian Perić 
      Thanks Murray Du Plessis! (: And Stefan Cycle Touring, I didn't carry much food, the list above is it, plus plums or melons, a few peaches, and Nan bread in bags outside the panniers (because they would get crushed, evidently, the plums got crushed on the outside, and I popped a hole in the bag and drank the nectar with some drinking water, mmm good.

      Packing panniers is a tough one, they should balance (right and left about equal weight, the front panniers should be lighter than the back for sure, it all depends on your contents, the tent and sleeping bag didn';t get packed in them, they ride in a nylon zipper bag inside a plastic bag (heavy plastic, wrap the tent/sleeping bag in plastic and put in the cheap nylon zipper bag, it sits on top
      of the rear carrier rack, strapped down with bungee cords with hooks). You need some front racks, simple aluminum U-mounts to the forks, and use anything like PVC zipper ties that are heavy duty to secure them, front racks need a stabilizer bar across the top of the front wheel...check my photos for more,
      Moj novi bickl za predstojecu sezonu..veliku zahvalnost predajem prijateljima 
      Draganu i Bojanu..koji su mi obezbedili ovaj bajk ;))— with Brian Perić and 15 others.

      Hi friend, i need some one information from you, I have a bicycle with wheels
      of 26 inches made it comfortable to travel with him or with wheels of 28 inches regards ;))

      • You like this.

        • Noel Kegel Most people seem to prefer 26" wheels because it is easier to get parts and tires in far-off places.
          However, I'm a purist and in my mind a proper touring bike should have 700c(28") wheels.

        • Brian Perić I agree with Noel Kegel, 26" is standard MTB, we all have them starting out in touring if an MTB was the affordable
          way to tour (it was for me). In the near future, 29er wheels will take over, they are so similar to the character of the 700c wheel,
          stronger in AM (all mountain) and XC (cross country), I rode Bontrager Race Disc 26" AM wheels, they were amazing for the Himalayas, everything I came across, tires, Schwalbe Marathon Plus Tour or something like them, search around your area and the tire is very important, about equal to the wheel itself (:

        • Noel Kegel ‎@Brian Perić: Agreed that tire choice is perhaps as important, if not more important consideration.
          My all time favorite expedition touring tire is: Schwalbe Marathon XR...the more cycle travelers you meet, the more you realize
          that Schwalbe tires are your only choice, anything else only increases your frustration.

        • Brian Perić I couldn't find Marathon XR last summer (May/June) and I was preparing for my first tour expedition,
          I found the Marathon Plus Tour (1100g each), heavy but substantial tires for sure. Even the simple, Marathon HS404 is great as a spare, I carried a 26x1.5 for an emergency that never happened, if you lose/slash a tire and tube, I definitely believe the spare tire is as important again, at least lighter ones than what you are running as the main rubber. Schwalbe Marathon XR lived a long time on expeditions, now there are Schwalbe Mondials where available in 2012. (: Thanks Noel (: We know tires, when we ride them long enough to see the differences.

        • Stefan Cycle Touring 
          Thank you for comment on otherwise I do not use
          Schwalbe Marathon tires I financially ready to use CST TRAVELER I moved a lot and are well proven for now I have no intention to change .. and when it
          comes to mechanics I've never bought something
          expensive I have always been in the bar lower than
          the other bikes and equipment as hard as I had Deore XT and is converted to an now alivio
          on wheels 26 "I always drove the 28" and is a
          great mountain like it might in the near future to
          buy something very strong and well-lived society :)

        • Brian Perić The ARROW looks great, if you add front pannier racks and small bags, you'll have all the room and gear you need. Food, simple is good. Cheers Stefan Cycle the way, I don't have Shimano XT either, I used Shimano LX because it was cheap and available, I wore the sealed bearings out finally, and found the SLX to replace it, just parts to keep moving, now I need to keep my body from falling apart at 39 (: